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News of Holy Russia 14.09.2014: The announcement of the All-Russian Marche of Peace 21.09.2014, Moscow.

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The announcement of action is the All-Russian Marche of Peace 21.09.2014, a separate column the European choice of Russia. The anti-war action will take place in Moscow 21.09.2014 at 16:00.

Within the framework of the All-Russian Marche of the Peace which will take place on September 21, 2014 in Moscow, inside procession we organize a separate column the European choice of Russia (event https://www.facebook.com/events/289751897886746/ ).

Banner and the slogan of our column is Russia – Europe, instead of Asiopa!

We believe that war in the south and the east of Ukraine, it actually war of the Kremlin against Uniform Europe and Western civilization. We count, that Russia is Europe and Russian it is European people. We demand to stop war in Ukraine – in the east of Europe. We choose the European way of development of Russia and we oppose Putin's Euroasian integration with transformation of the Russian Federation into a new Mongolian Horde. We stand up against self-isolation of Russia, kindling of chauvinism and interethnic hatred. We demand change of the Kremlin authority which has lost adequate perception of the validity.

All wishing to join our column enter the name in community Marche of the Peace Russia – Europe! ( https://www.facebook.com/EuRussia ) or send personal messages to managers of group and column. We will need active workers who will help to bear a banner and the Russian flags. The attributes are available. People with creative posters and ideas are welcomed. It is necessary to think up also slogans. The place of gathering of column will be specified.

Contact: holyrussia@list.ru

Time of the action:

From 16:00 – gathering of participants.
At 17:00 – the beginning of movement.

Route of demonstration:

From Pushkin’s square (Passionate parkway) on parkways, then under the prospectus of Academician Sakharov before crossing with the Garden ring.

Below the text of the application of organizers of the All-Russian Marche of Peace.

The all-Russian Marche of the Peace will take place in Moscow on September, 21.
For fund raising on the organization and carrying out of Marche the Yandex-purse works: 410012186685695.

We assume that not less than 50000 persons will take part in Marche.
This Marche becomes natural continuation and development of Marche of the Peace past in Moscow on March 15.

We demand the termination of an irresponsible aggressive policy of the Russian authority. This policy not only has brought war on the ground of Ukraine, cost lives already to thousand украинцев and Russians. On the Ukrainian ground perish and military men of the Russian army, including urgent service, this already direct, not camouflaged military intrusion to which does not have the justification get in captivity. The policy in Russia conducts to increase of fascist tendencies in our country, isolation of Russia in the Peace, to heavy economic consequences which basic burden to all of us still should be gone through. She is accompanied by amplification of political reprisals inside Russia, the further restriction of the rights and freedom of the Russian citizens.

Even if now mad pressure of cynical and false state propagation of war and hatred us in minority the truth on our party temporarily leaves. But and today it is a lot of us. And our voice again will be loud. We like that it has been heard.

We against war!

The given public action is already officially agreed to the mayoralty of Moscow.

The link to the basic Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/516658901802881/

The sanction of the mayoralty of Moscow to carrying out of procession.

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