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Solemnly I proclaim the State Sovereignty of Holy Russia on all its territories and I declare about determination to create constitutional monarchy in structure of the updated Russian Federation.
Holy Russia – Third Rome is the sovereign confederative state created by Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich and peoples united in it, private and state subjects in any parts of the world.
The sovereignty of Holy Russia natural and necessary condition of existence of the constitutional monarchy having thousand-year history, culture, Christian religion and the traditions, resulting from the right on authority Debellatio of Princes of Rurikovich of sort of Russ and Flavius and absence of voluntary refusal of such claims, and also from presence De Facto of Grand Prince of All Russia – Emperor of Holy Russia and the Third Rome possessing the following non-material and firm prerogatives:
1. Jus imperii – the right on the Supreme authority;
2. Jus gladii – the right on submission of citizens;
3. Jus majestatis – the right on honors and the protection, respective rank;
4. Jus honorum – the right of rewarding, granted nobiliary Titles and Honorable Caballeros Ranks;
5. Jus coin – the right of coinage.
The carrier of the sovereignty and a source of the government in Holy Russia is Grand Prince of All Russia – Emperor of Holy Russia. People carry out the limited government through representative bodies on the basis of the Constitution of Holy Russia.
The state sovereignty of Holy Russia is proclaimed in the name of the prime targets – maintenance continuity of the right of Russian statehood, the termination of illegal deduction of authority by self-appointed, power and corrupt groups, infringement of inalienable laws of people on free development of Russian culture and preservation of national identity.
Holy Russia is united with other private, administrative, territorial and state subjects on the basis of the Contract of Confederation, recognizes and respects sovereign rights of all participants of Confederation.
The territory of Holy Russia is formed by addition of territories of all subjects of Confederation. Concrete questions of management and the sovereignty of subjects are defined by the Contract of Confederation and the legislation of Holy Russia on the national – state and administrative-territorial device of Confederation.
In all territory of Holy Russia confederative Roman citizenship of Holy Russia is established, for each Roman citizen is citizenship of the subject of Confederation is kept. Citizens of Holy Russia outside Confederation are under protection and protection of Holy Russia.

Grand Prince of All Russia
Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev Grand Kubensky Rurikovich
Moscow, Holy Russia
September 21, 2013

World History

Rus' History

Religions History

Dear Friends, the long-awaited and sensational book by Professor Valeriy Kubarev, World History, has been published in three volumes: World History, Rus’ History, and Religions History. Electronic versions of the books in Russian and English are available on the Litres platform using the links above. Free excerpts from the books can be downloaded here.

News of Holy Russia 06.10.2024: Anniversary of Queen Mother Lyudmila Pavlovna Isaeva-Kubareva.
Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich in circle of family and friends has solemnly celebrated 90-years anniversary of Queen Mother Lyudmila Pavlovna Isaeva-Kubareva.

News of Holy Russia 11.09.2024: Events around the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich.
Grand Prince Pr. Dr. Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev has published a new monograph, World History, in three volumes: World History, Rus’ History, and Religions History. Electronic versions of books in Russian and English are available for purchase on the Litres portal. Excerpts from books for free download are published on the resources of the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich.

News of Holy Russia 05.05.2024: Congratulations of Holy Russia on the Light Holiday of Easter. Happy Easter!
The Grand Prince and Pontifex Maximus of Nova Church of Holy Russia Pr. Dr. Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev, in the days of the biblical Apocalypse, congratulates all Christians on the Bright Holiday of Easter! Humanity is entering the era of the reign of the Antichrist when darkness and evil dominate. The light of the world is the feat of Jesus Christ, who trampled death and darkness. Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen! Happy Easter!

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Arms of Holy Russia
Arm of Princes Kubensky-Kubarev’s Arm of Holy Russia
Arm of Imperial House of Ruricovich Antic Arm of Imperial House of Ruricovich
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