Sovereign Emperor, Grand Prince of All Russia Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev by the Highest Decree has based National Guard of Holy Russia and has ratified Regulations about National Guard of Holy Russia. In connection with incessant acts of terrorism, penetration of representatives of radical Islam on territory of Holy Russia, humiliation of Russian people on the part of ethnic diasporas, revelry of corruption, extremism, growth it is criminal, spread of drug addiction and other calls, Sovereign Emperor and Grand Prince of All Russia has accepted the Highest Decree No. 15 from 03.01.2014 about creation National Guard of Holy Russia – the international military militia (militia – a national home guard), firmly supporting the established order in Confederation on the basis of the Constitution and Agreement of Confederation of Holy Russia – Third Rome. Within the framework of the signed Decree No. 15 from 03.01.2014 the Regulations about National Guard of Holy Russia are accepted. The National Guard is the military and militia tool on formation of uniform Christian space in territories of the states of Confederation of Holy Russia. The primary goal of Confederation of Holy Russia this construction of the new world state on the basis of Christian, European and Russian values, uniform spiritual space from Atlantic up to Pacific Ocean. The National Guard is formed on the basis of professional military (50% of structure) and civilian volunteers (50% of structure), consisting of Cossacks and the armed combatants is the militiamen bearing service on residence. The National Guard resists to internal threats of Confederation – to corruption, terrorism, extremism, Islamization, the organized crime, illegal migration, mass disorders and other calls. The National Guard of Holy Russia will consist of four Legions: 1. EU–Russian Legion;
2. The American Legion;
3. South American Legion;
4. Legion of the Australian Union.

Each Legion supports the established order in the designated territory. For example, EU–Russian Legion supports legality on open spaces from Atlantic Ocean up to Pacific Ocean. Each Legion will consist of Brigades, for example the German–Russian Brigade, British–Russian Brigade, Prussian–Russian Brigade, the Cossack Brigade, etc.

The full text of Position can be found under the link: